
„Power of Electronics“

Sensodrive managing director Norbert Sporer to speak at the "Electric Drive Technology Practice Forum"

The "Power of Electronics" will soon be the motto of the day at the Vogel Convention Center Würzburg. That is the title of six special conferences from the electronics world, brought together under one roof by the Vogel Communications Group and the trade magazine ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS on 18 to 19 October.

The "Electric Drive Technology Practice Forum", which is of particular interest to our customers, will include a specialist presentation by Sensodrive managing director Norbert Sporer on the topic of 'Cobots, medical robots and the advantages of torque-controlled drives'.

The Electric Drive Technology Practice Forum
The "Electric Drive Technology Practice Forum" will cover the optimal combination of electrical and mechanical properties and bridge the gap between technology research and application. At the event in Würzburg, renowned speakers from science and industry will impart fundamental principles, complex interdisciplinary knowledge and the latest research findings, e.g. on topics such as:

  • Analysis of basic framework conditions
  • Simulations
  • Standards and legal requirements
  • Sensors and software.

Delegates can expect an interesting programme with informative specialist lectures and an accompanying exhibition.

Specialist presentation by Norbert Sporer on 19.10.
Sensodrive Managing Director Norbert Sporer will be one of the speakers at the Electric Drive Technology Practice Forum as well. In his specialist presentation, he will use the example of the DLR lightweight robot and torque-controlled drives to demonstrate the rapid development of mechatronics and electric drive technology. He will also explain the basics and background of modern cobots and medical robots, as well as the use and advantages of torque-controlled drives.

Find out more and register now
The Electric Drive Technology Practice Forum will take place on 18 and 19 October at the Vogel Convention Center Würzburg. You can look forward to an exclusive evening event with great networking opportunities on 18.10. – and an informative conference day with lots of presentations on 19.10.2022.

You can find more information about the conference here.

You can register here.