Improving the efficiency of your sensitive robotics solutions really can be this quick and easy

SensoJoint – the sensitive, torque-controlled complete drive

From industrial robots for human-robot collaboration (HRC) to medical robots to force feedback solutions – with its patented torque sensors, and unique integration and control know-how, Sensodrive has created a new era in robotics. This market-leading sensor technology is also at the heart of the SensoJoint – a ready-to-install complete drive that makes the development of sensitive robotics solutions faster and more efficient than ever before.

This unique Plug & Play actuator made in Germany not only sets new standards in terms of performance, precision and quality – thanks to its perfectly compatible individual components, SensoJoints are as compact as they are light and can be integrated optimally into any robotics concept.



Lower development costs

Developing your own robotics solutions costs time and money. SensoJoints are ready to install and easy to integrate thanks to their standard hardware and software interfaces. In addition, they are already fully safety-certified1 and fulfil all key safety requirements for HRC robotics.

Shorter time to market

SensoJoints are available in five sizes and can also be supplied in individual designs and performance levels if required. So you receive a customised actuator for each application that can be integrated into your products right away – without long development times.

Higher product quality

From the innovative Sensodrive torque sensor to the market-leading HarmonicDrive® gear to the powerful motors – only high-quality components that are perfectly compatible with each other are installed in the SensoJoints drive modules.


Plug & Play: Ready-to-install complete drives with market-leading technology


  • Torque-controlled

  • Sensitive

  • Fully safety-certified (in Q3 2024)

  • Powerful

  • Compact, light and robust

  • Highly precise

  • Easily integrated



Maximum safety for human-robot collaboration

Sensodrive torque technology is used in the cobots of many renowned industrial and medical robot manufacturers. We are making this innovative technology available in a complete drive for the first time with SensoJoints, offering you the highest level of safety for your robotics solutions.

Fully safety certified

SensoJoints are already certified in accordance with all key international safety standards - such as e. g: ISO 13849, IEC 62061, IEC 61508 and DIN ISO/TS 15066 (from 2024). So there's no need to go through any more lengthy certification processes.

Maximum safety for users humans

Thanks to market-leading sensor technology and precise, highly safe control technology, SensoJoints offer maximum reliability in every respect so that robots and humans can work together safely without protective fences.

Maximum production reliability

Sensodrive only uses high-quality components that are perfectly compatible with each other. SensoJoints are therefore completely maintenance-free and set new standards in terms of their durability.


For maximum safety in industrial robotics and medical technology - the SensoJoint safety functions

STO - Safe Torque Off

Safe Torque Off interrupts the power supply to the drive while the brake is applied. The joint controller is deactivated and the joint is mechanically stopped.The STO function ensures that no torque can act on the motor and is therefore used in industrial machines, robots and force feedback solutions for emergency stop and safety stop functions.

SBC – Safe Brake Control

Safe Brake Control (SBC) ensures that the brakes are locked when Safe Torque Off (STO) is activated. This ensures that lifted loads are braked in good time and do not drop. This is how SBC ensures the reliable implementation of emergency and safety stops in industrial machines, robots and force feedback solutions.

SBT – Safe Brake Test

After appropriate implementation in the safety control system, the Safe Brake Test (SBT) safety function ensures that the brakes can apply the required holding torque at all times by cyclically checking them. In combination with Safe Torque Off (STO) and Safe Brake Control (SBC), it guarantees an absolutely safe braking and stopping system.

SS1 – Safe Stop 1

If the drives were simply switched off, they would run down, which could lead to hazards. With the help of the Safe Stop 1 (SS1) safety function, the SensoJoint drive is therefore brought to a controlled standstill. As soon as the motor movement stops, the STO function is automatically triggered. This allows the drive to be fast and safely stopped and the brake is noticeably protected.

SS2 – Safe Stop 2

The SensoJoint drive is brought to a standstill in a controlled manner and remains in control even when at a standstill. By keeping the drive powered, the position can be held precisely, and it is quicker to move on after the safety stop than with other stop functions.

SOS – Safe Operating Stop

With the Safe Operating Stop (SOS) safety function, the SensoJoint reliably monitors the holding of a position (for example after activation of the SS2 function). The drive may only move within a precisely defined position window. If the permissible position tolerance is exceeded, a suitable error reaction takes place, e.g. activation of the STO function.

Safe Position (SP) & Safely Limited Position (SLP)

These two safety functions monitor the robot arm's
positioning. SP uses FSoE (FailSafe over EtherCAT)
to ensure the safe provision of the SensoJoint's
output position to the higher-level safety controller
(FSoE master).
Based on this information, the SLP carries out a
safe limitation of the axis and spatial movements.
In addition, further position-dependent safety
functions can be activated if required.

Safe Velocity (SV) & Safely Limited Speed (SLS)

These safety functions ensure that the speed is
monitored. SV provides precise measurement data
of the respective output speed via FSoE, which is
processed by the higher-level safety control.
Based on the measurement data, the robot speed
can be optimally limited by SLS during axis and
spatial movements – for example in robots and
force feedback products.


Safe Torque (ST) & Safely Limited Torque (SLT)

The ST and SLT safety functions enable reliable
monitoring of a robotics solution's forces and torques
(axis and spatial movement). ST sends the SensoJoint's
precise output torque measurement data via FSoE
to the safety control. Based on this information,
SLT ensures safe force and torque limitation for all


Impressive quality made in Germany

High-quality lightweight materials, market-leading torque sensors and precise finishing ensure reliable product quality that is worth the investment. SensoJoints are extremely robust and completely maintenance-free.

Ultra-light and compact

Size and weight are reduced to an absolute minimum thanks to the perfect compatibility of all components and the use of sturdy, lightweight materials.

Highly precise

The innovative Sensodrive torque control ensures that motions are executed with maximum precision – without any oscillation.

Fast and powerful

Particularly powerful motors and market-leading gears with output bearing enable safe and reliable power transmission.



Advanced Control Algorithms

Advanced Position Control

The active vibration damping reliably prevents unwanted oscillations and, with precise friction compensation, enables fine adjustment of the smallest vibrations – even with higher inertias and loads. SensoJoints are thus guaranteed to securely hold a defined position, even when affected by disturbing forces, e.g. for the vibration-free positioning of surgical microscopes.

Advanced Velocity Control

The precise speed control ensures smooth, steady control even at low speeds of less than 1°/s. Its active friction compensation reliably prevents the occurrence of stick-slip effects as well.

Advanced Torque Control

SensoJoints impress with their highly precise and dynamic torque control at the output:

  • Active friction compensation
  • Active motor ripple compensation
  • Active gearbox wobble compensation
  • Motor inertia compensation for even more dynamics

Optimum safety for all areas of application

Thanks to their comprehensive safety functions, SensoJoint complete drives meet all the requirements of safety integrity level SIL3/PLe. They are already fully safety-certified* in accordance with IEC 61508, IEC 62061 as well as ISO 13849, thus saving you significant time and costs when meeting the requirements of ISO 10218 and ISO/TS  15066 compared to developing your own solutions.

  • Develop cobots and medical robots in under 5 months.
  • Halve your time-to-market.
  • Save 7-figure development and certification costs.
  • Implement ISO 10218 and ISO/TS 15066 up to 4 times faster.

The efficient alternative – the SensoJoint basic design

For use in less safety-critical areas, our SensoJoint complete drives are also available in a
basic version with only two safety functions – the efficient solution for all applications that
do not require extended safety certification to SIL3/PLe level.

* Certification process completion expected in Q1 2024.


SensoJoints make the difference. In your industry, too.

Medical technology

SensoJoints also set new standards in the medical sector. Their torque sensors and state-of-the-art control technology can prevent e.g. disruptive and sometimes even dangerous vibrations of surgical microscopes, thanks to groundbreaking technology.

Industrial robotics

SensoJoints are the perfect sensitive drive solution for robot joints. They are used in lightweight robots by renowned manufacturers around the world to enable successful human-robot collaboration (HRC) and delicate assembly work.


Das SENSO-Wheel SD-LC ist der unübertroffene Force-Feedback Simulatorantrieb  - the SENSO-Wheel SD-LC is the unmatched force feedback simulator drive for demanding tasks

Force feedback

Due to their sensitivity and extremely compact design, SensoJoints are also perfect for force feedback applications. They guarantee the safe interaction of people and machines without protective devices and enable realistic simulations even on a large scale.

Das SENSODRIVE Exoskelett für die MRK - the SENSODRIVE exoskeleton

Industrial applications

In the factory of the future, SensoJoints will improve efficiency in a wide variety of areas. For example, as part of a modern exoskeleton to support lifting heavy loads. Or for maintaining perfectly steady tension in winding machines.


Contact us

Sensodrive GmbH, Germany

Let our experts demonstrate the advantages that SensoJoints can offer your industry and your company. We will be happy to advise you on an individual basis.

Tel.: +49 (0)8153 90 90 1 - 0
Contact us


authorized sales partner China

CNBEST Tech (Beijing)Co., Ltd,
Tel.: 010-62360224
Tel.:  18001131966


The Plug & Play complete solution for your sensitive robotics applications

Whether in terms of weight, performance, precision or safety – SensoJoints are the leading complete drives for sensitive robotics solutions in all sectors. They achieve this by combining exclusively high-quality components in an exceptionally compact design. In addition, they offer unique control engineering with their Advanced Control  Algorithms and are fully safety-certified with their reliable safety functions.*

* Certification process completion expected in Q3 2024.

from left to right:

  1. Output shaft
  2. Output housing
  3. Crossed roller bearing
  4. Harmonic Drive® gear
  5. Torque sensor (optimised for the gearbox)
  6. Motor housing with stator
  7. Rotor
  8. Brake
  9. Motor controller
  10. Absolute encoder


Tailor-made for a wide range of applications

From the particularly small SensoJoint 3000 for use in hand axes to the powerful SensoJoint 7000 for large main axes – the innovative complete drives are available in 5 standard sizes and can also be individually customised to your requirements if necessary.


Technical data

Technical data SensoJoint 3000

SensoJoint Serie
Gearbox type Harmonic Drive®
Torque sensor fully integrated
Motor BLDC motor
Motor controller fully integrated
Brake fully integrated
Supply voltage [VDC] 24 - 48
Communikation interface EtherCAT®
Safety functions see table
Main bearing Cross roller bearing
Position sensor on the output side 19bit absolut
18bit multiturn
Model 3005 3008 3010
Gear ratio 1:51 1:81 1:101
Maximum input current [A]* 4 3 3
Rated torque [Nm]* 5,4 7,8 7,8
Maximum torque [Nm]* 18 23 28
Rated speed [min-1]* 39 24 19
Maximum speed [min-1]* 115 70 55
Length [mm] 150.5
Diameter [mm] 90.0
Hollow shaft diameter [mm] 9.0
Weight [kg] approx. 1.3
3D-Model (STEP) SensoJoint 3000
Further technical information We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and send you the CAD data of our SensoJoints

*At 48 DC. SensoJoint Version A.3/B.0.

Technical data SensoJoint 4000

SensoJoint Serie
Gearbox type Harmonic Drive®
Torque sensor fully integrated
Motor BLDC motor
Motor controller fully integrated
Brake fully integrated
Supply voltage [VDC] 24-48
Communikation interface EtherCAT®
Safety functions see table
Main bearing Cross roller bearing
Position sensor on the output side 19bit absolut
18bit multiturn
Model 4005 4008 4010
Gear ratio 1:51 1:81 1:101
Maximum input current [A]* 6 6 6
Rated torque [Nm]* 16 22 24
Maximum torque [Nm]* 34 43 54
Rated speed [min-1]* 39 24 19
Maimum. speed [min-1]* 115 70 55
Length [mm] 164.1
Diameter [mm] 90.0
Hollow shaft diameter [mm] 9.0
Weight [kg] approx. 1.7
3D-Model (STEP) SensoJoint 4000
Further technical information We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and send you the CAD data of our SensoJoints

*At 48 VDC. SensoJoint Version A.3/B.0.

Der drehmomentgeregelte Antrieb SENSO-Unit 145 mit hochspezialisiertem Drehmomentsensor - the torque-controlled drive SENSO-Unit 145 with SENSODRIVE torque sensor

Technical Data SensoJoint 5000

SensoJoint Serie
Gearbox type Harmonic Drive®
Torque sensor fully integrated
Motor BLDC motor
Motor controller fully integrated
Brake fully integrated
Supply voltage [VDC] 24-48
Communikation interface EtherCAT®
Safety functions see table
Main bearing Cross roller bearing
Position sensor on the output side 19bit absolut
18bit multiturn
Model 5005 5008 5010
5012 5016
Gear ratio 1:51 1:81 1:101 1:121 1:161
Maximum intput curent [A]* 6 6 6 6 6
Rated torque [Nm]* 33 44 52 52 52
Maximum torque [Nm]* 62 96 107 113 120
Rated speed [min-1]* 39 24 19 16 12
Maximum speed [min-1]* 115 70 55 45 37
Length [mm] 172.5
Diameter [mm] 100.0
Hollow Shaft diameter [mm] 9.0
Weight [kg] approx. 2.0
3D-Model (STEP) SensoJoint 5000
Further technical information We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and send you the CAD data of our SensoJoints

*At 48 VDC. SensoJoint Version A.3/B.0.

Technical Data SensoJoint 6000

SensoJoint Serie
Gearbox type Harmonic Drive®
Torque sensor fully integrated
Motor BLDC motor
Motor controller fully integrated
Brake fully integrated
Supply voltage [VDC] 24-48
Communikation interface EtherCAT®
Safety functions see table
Main bearing Cross roller bearing
Position sensor on the output side 20bit absolut
18bit multiturn
Model 6005 6008 6010 6012
Gear ratio 1:51 1:81 1:101 1:121
Maximum input current [A]* 10 10 10 10
Rated torque [Nm]* 39 63 67 67
Maximum torque [Nm]* 98 137 157 167
Rated speed [min-1]* 39 24 19 16
Maximum speed [min-1]* 70 45 35 30
Length [mm] 192.4
Diameter [mm] 117.0
Hollow shaft diameter [mm] 13.0
Weight [kg] approx. 3.4
3D-Model (STEP) SensoJoint 6000
Further technical information We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and send you the CAD data of our SensoJoints

*At 48 VDC. SensoJoint Version A.3/B.0.

Technical Data SensoJoint 7000

SensoJoint Serie
Gearbox type Harmonic Drive®
Torque sensor fully integrated
Motor BLDC motor
Motor controller fully integrated
Brake fully integrated
Supply voltage [VDC] 24-48
Communikation interface EtherCAT®
Safety functions see table
Main bearing Cross roller bearing
Position sensor on the output side 20bit absolut
18bit multiturn
Model 7005 7008 7010 7012 7016
Gear ratio 1:51 1:81 1:101 1:121 1:161
Maximum input current* 10 12 12 12 12
Rated torque [Nm]* 76 118 137 137 137
Maximum torque [Nm]* 166 264 329 353 372
Rated speed [min-1]* 39 24 19 16 12
Maimum. speed [min-1]* 90 55 45 35 25
Length [mm] 204.0
Diameter [mm] 145.0
Hollow shaft Diameter [mm] 19.0
Weight [kg] approx. 5.5
3D-Model (STEP) SensoJoint 7000
Further technical information We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and send you the CAD data of our SensoJoints

*At 48 VDC. SensoJoint Versiion A.3/B.0.

SENSODRIVE entwickelt angepasste Force-Feedback Produkte - SENSODRIVE developes customized force feedback products

SensoJoint customized

SensoJoint Customized

We can develop the perfect solution for you – especially according to your requirements.
Please inquire!

Contact us

Technical Data of all SensoJoints in comparison


SensoJoint series

3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Gearbox type Harmonic Drive®
Torque sensor fully integrated
Motor BLDC motor
Motor controller fully integrated
Brake fully integrated
Supply voltage [VDC] 24-48
Communikation interface EtherCAT®
Safety functions see table
Main bearing Cross roller bearing
Position sensor on the output side 19bit absolut
18bit multiturn
20bit absolut
18bit multiturn
SensoJoint Models 3005 3008 3010 4005 4008 4010 5005 5008 5010  5012 5016 6005 6008 6010 6012 7005 7008 7010 7012 7016
Gear ratio 1:51 1:81 1:101 1:51  1:81 1:101 1:51 1:81 1:101 1:121 1:161 1:51  1:81 1:101 1:121 1:51 1:81 1:101 1:121 1:161
Maximum input current [A]* 4 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12
Rated torque [Nm]* 5,4 7,8 7,8 16 22 24 33 44 52 52 52 39 63 67 67 76 118 137 137 137
Maximum torque [Nm]* 18 23 28 34 43 54 62 96 107 113 120 98 137 157 167 166 264 329 353 372
Rated speed [min-1]* 39 24 19 39 24 19 39 24 19 16 12 39 24 19 16 39 24 19 16 12
Maximum speed (no load) [min-1]* 115 70 55 115 70 55 115 70 55 45 35 70 45 35 30 90 55 45 35 25
Length [mm] 150.5 164.1 172.5 192.4 204.0
Diameter [mm] 90.0 90.0 100.0 117.0 145.0
Hollow shaft diameter [mm] 9.0 9.0 9.0 13.0 19.0
Weight [kg] approx. 1.3 approx. 1.7 approx. 2.0 approx. 3.4 approx. 5.5
3D-Model(STEP) SensoJoint 3000 SensoJoint 4000 SensoJoint 5000 SensoJoint 6000 SensoJoint 7000
Further technical information We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and send you the CAD data of our SensoJoints

 EtherCAT® and Safety over EtherCAT® are registered trademarks and patented technologies licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
*At 48 VDC. SensoJoint Versiion A.3/B.0.


Robot development in record time

SensoJoints not only accelerate the planning and development of new cobot solutions. Their compact design and standard interfaces also enable even faster prototype assembly.


Torque-controlled actuator success stories

 Space, Industry 4.0, medical technology, the automotive industry ... the potential applications for the sensitive SensoJoint complete drives are almost unlimited. See for yourself.

Exoskeleton Hightech lifting aid
Sensodrive Exoskeleton further information
NuEndo - Capsule gastroscopy
NuEndo - wireless gastroscopy further information
Medical technology – Vibration damping
Medical technology – Vibration damping further information
SENSO-SCARA - robotics with sensitivity
SensoScara - robotics with sensitivity further information